Reschke, S., Zhe Wang, F. Mayr, E. Ruff, P. Lunkenheimer, V. Tsurkan, and A. Loidl. "Excitations and relaxation dynamics in multiferroic GeV 4 S 8 studied by terahertz and dielectric spectroscopy." Physical Review B 96, no. 14 (2017): 144418
report on THz time-domain spectroscopy on multiferroic GeV4S8, which undergoes orbital ordering at a Jahn-Teller
transition at 30.5 K and exhibits antiferromagnetic order below 14.6 K. The THz
experiments are complemented by dielectric experiments at audio and radio
frequencies. We identify a low-lying excitation close to 0.5 THz, which is only
weakly temperature dependent and probably corresponds to a molecular excitation
within the electronic level scheme of the V4 clusters. In
addition, we detect complex temperature-dependent behavior of a low-lying
phononic excitation, closely linked to the onset of orbitally driven
ferroelectricity. In the high-temperature cubic phase, which is paramagnetic
and orbitally disordered, this excitation is of relaxational character becomes
an overdamped Lorentzian mode in the orbitally ordered phase below the
Jahn-Teller transition, and finally appears as well-defined phonon excitation
in the antiferromagnetic state. Abrupt changes in the real and imaginary parts
of the complex dielectric permittivity show that orbital ordering appears via a
structural phase transition with strong first-order character and that the
onset of antiferromagnetic order is accompanied by significant structural
changes, which are of first-order character, too. Dielectric spectroscopy
documents that at low frequencies, significant dipolar relaxations are present
in the orbitally ordered, paramagnetic phase only. In contrast to the closely
related GaV4S8, this relaxation dynamics that most likely mirrors
coupled orbital and polar fluctuations does not seem to be related to the
dynamic processes detected in the THz regime.
… The time-domain THz transmission experiments using a TPS Spectra 3000 spectrometer
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