Thursday, 1 September 2011

Fault isolation in semiconductor product, process, physical and package failure analysis: Importance and overview

citation from paper:
"... Recently TeraView together with an industry partner developed a Terahertz “TDR” called the Electro Optical Terahertz Pulsed Reflectometry (EOTPR) promising resolution of <10 μm....The EOTPR application on the real failure unit was presented at Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2010, and one of the case studies showed that the conventional TDR analysis was not able to isolate the defect, but with EOTPR, there was a difference between the waveform of the passing and failing unit..."

Fault isolation in semiconductor product, process, physical and package failure analysis: Importance and overview

JM Chin, V Narang, X Zhao, MY Tay, A Phoa… - Microelectronics Reliability, 2011

Jiann Min Chin, a, , Vinod Naranga, Xiaole Zhaoa, Meng Yeow Taya, Angeline Phoaa, Venkat Ravikumara, Lwin Hnin Eia, Soon Huat Lima, Chea Wei Teoa, Syahirah Zulkiflia, Mei Chyn Onga and Ming Chuan Tana
a Advanced Micro Devices Singapore, 508 Chai Chee Lane, Singapore 469032, Singapore
Received 29 June 2011;  
accepted 30 June 2011.  
Available online 9 August 2011. 

a Advanced Micro Devices Singapore, 508 Chai Chee Lane, Singapore 469032, Singapore
Received 29 June 2011;  
accepted 30 June 2011.  
Available online 9 August 2011.


Failure analysis plays a major role in all areas of the semiconductor company especially during product development cycle, 1st silicon stage, or in wafer processes and fabrication as well as assembly and package development. Different companies have different FA flows but all FA steps will need to start with fault isolation. Fault isolation is the step to narrow down the focus area of a failing component or product to a manageable area that will allow us to (a) improve success of finding the defect that is causing the failure and, (b) significant speed up turn-around time for analysis.

This paper provides an overview of all the available failure analysis on fault isolation methodologies and tools, for device/product level and expanding to package/assembly and PFA level isolation. The aim of the paper is to provide sufficient depth to each topic including some case studies to emphasize the key points related to each methodology. The tutorial will also cover some future directions/roadmaps.

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