1st Call for Applications 2013 - Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) within the TERA-MIR (MP 1204) network
Call opening: 14 March 2013
Call closure: 13 April 2013
Decision and notification: 30 April 2013
Please download the file with instructions and templates by visiting the website:
COST MPNS Action MP1204
The main objective of this action is to advance novel materials, concepts and device designs for generating and detecting THz (0.3 THz to 10 THz) and Mid Infrared (10 THz to 100 THz) radiation using semiconductor, superconductor, metamaterials and lasers and to beneficially exploit their common aspects within a synergetic approach. Action Domain: Materials, Physics and Nanosciences (MPNS)
The Domain Materials, Physics and Nanosciences (MPNS) is home to material science, extending from conception through to production and includes characterization, examination, evaluation, fabrication and development, to actual application and service, as well as related databases, codes, standards and inspections.
The Domain thus also incorporates nanomaterials and nanosciences and the nanotechnological applications thereof. It also supports exploratory basic and applied research in physics, theoretical and experimental, as a key to understanding the laws governing the behaviour of matter and energy.
Useful links:
Official COST website
COST Action MP1204 on the official COST website
MPNS domain on the official COST website
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