Wednesday, 30 May 2012

TeraView Appoints Sector Technologies as its Exclusive European Agent

TeraView Cambridge, United Kingdom – 14 May 2012

TeraView (, the pioneer and leader in terahertz solutions and technology is pleased to announce that it has appointed Sector Technologies ( as its agent in Europe for sales of its products into the Semiconductor Industry.
Based at the heart of the European semiconductor industry in Grenoble, France, Sector-Technologies' focus is on the distribution and support of high-end failure analysis equipment. This focus aligns well with TeraView's own and the launch of its EOTPR 2000. This high end terahertz time domain reflectometry (TDR) system is increasingly being used for the isolation of faults in complex IC packages.
"We are very pleased to have been able to partner with such an experienced and respected company as Sector Technologies" said Ian Grundy, SVP of Global sales, "To-date much of our semiconductor related customer activities have been focused on Asia and the US, and we are delighted to now have a partner to help us better serve semiconductor customers in Europe."
"We believe that this partnership will be beneficial for our customers as it will complement our Solutions portfolio with a new high end Product containing leading edge technology. We are very excited to have TeraView's Products in our portfolio, and look forward to representing them," said Jean-Philippe Roux , President of Sector Technologies SAS.
The EOTPR 2000, TeraView's main fault analysis product, was jointly developed with Intel. This product uses terahertz waves to non-destructively isolate faults within complex IC packages to an accuracy of 10 microns. With installations in N. America and Asia, TeraView is now looking to grow its customer base in Europe.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Terahertz and Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses for Biomedical Applications

SPIE Photonics WestSPIE BiOS

Terahertz and Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses for Biomedical Applications

Conference BO306

Part of program track on Tissue Optics, Laser-Tissue Interaction, and Tissue Engineering

This conference has an open call for papers:
Conference Chairs
Gerald J. Wilmink, Air Force Research Lab.; Bennett L. Ibey, Air Force Research Lab.
Program Committee
Hope T. Beier, Air Force Research Lab.; Benjamin P. Born, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); Patrick O. Bradshaw, Air Force Office of Scientific Research; Elliott R. Brown, Wright State Univ.; Ibtissam Echchgadda, National Academy of Sciences;Yuri Feldman, The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem (Israel); Martina Havenith, Ruhr-Univ. Bochum (Germany); Peter Uhd Jepsen, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark); Kodo Kawase, RIKEN (Japan); Martin Koch, Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany);Richard Nuccitelli, BioElectroMed Corp.; Gun-Sik Park, Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Emma Pickwell-MacPherson, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (Hong Kong, China); W. Pat Roach, Air Force Research Lab.; Peter H. Siegel, Jet Propulsion Lab.; Joo-Hiuk Son, The Univ. of Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Koichiro Tanaka, Kyoto Univ. (Japan); Robert J. Thomas, Air Force Research Lab.; P. Thomas Vernier, The Univ. of Southern California; Shu Xiao, Old Dominion Univ.
The terahertz (THz) region of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is defined as frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 10 THz (1 THz = 1012 Hz = 1 ps). Historically, few sources have been available to efficiently generate THz radiation; however, several recent technological advances have resulted in the unprecedented development of many new types of THz sources and components. These technologies are now being used as tools for a plethora of novel basic science investigations, and they are increasingly being integrated into innovative sensing and imaging operational schemes, which are finding widespread use in a host of medical, military, and defense applications.

Ultrashort electromagnetic pulses (USEP) are defined as pulses with duration below one microsecond and a rise time at or below a nanosecond. Direct application of USEP on tissue has been shown to elicit an array of biological effects including plasma membrane breakdown, cellular swelling, nuclear granulation, and initiation of apoptotic death. These observed phenomena have spawned quick advancement of USEP-based techniques into clinical devices to treat both superficial and deep cancers. USEP-based technologies have a distinct advantage of causing desired effects only within the profile of the electric field with little to no thermal footprint. Future technology is pushing beyond direct application into shorter pulse regimes (picoseconds) to enable free field propagation of USEP into deep tissue. These efforts have required advancements in pulse generators and antenna construction. The drive to shorter pulse duration bridges the gap between electrical pulses and those commonly generated by THz sources.

Fundamental knowledge gaps exist regarding how electric fields with frequency components from the MHz to the THz interact with biological structures. This conference aims to highlight USEP and THz source development, biological applications, and fundamental interactions with tissues, cells, and biomolecules. Scientific papers that push the state-of-the-art are solicited. These include:

Basic Science and Phenomenology: interaction mechanisms, biological effects, and molecular dynamics
  • THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS): transmission, reflection, KITA, and attenuated total reflection (ATR)
  • Biological effects of THz radiation and USEP at organism, tissue, cellular, and biomolecular level
  • Molecular dynamics in meso-space: water relaxation components, hydration and biosolvation dynamics

    Biomedical Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Multi-modality approaches
    • Cancer diagnosis and margin detection: skin, breast, liver, and oral tissues
    • Skin burns, sweat gland monitoring, corneal hydration sensing, retinal imaging, and wound repair
    • Therapeutic bio-stimulation: exploitation of THz and USEP for non-contact control of biological functions

      Advanced systems, sources, and bio-analytic tools
      • Nanoscale FTIR, near-field microscopes, sub-wavelength THz microscopy, 3D THz tomography, THz OCT
      • Microfluidics, micromachined probes, microcantilever systems, and THz integrated circuits
      • Bio-environmental, agricultural, food testing, pharmaceutical applications
      • Lasers: Far-IR molecular gas, p-type germanium, THz-Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs)
      • Frequency down-conversion and non-linear optical sources: optical rectification, difference frequency generation, parametric amplification, and laser-induced plasma sources
      • Frequency up-conversion: electronic solid-state devices, schottky diodes, varactors/varistors, multiplier sources
      • Accelerating electron based-sources: photocurrent in semiconductor (photoconductive switches, photomixing, UTC); free electrons in vacuum (backward wave oscillators, traveling wave tubes TWTs, gyrotrons, and free electron lasers (FELs)
      • Nanosecond and picoseconds high electric field pulse generators and electric field measurement systems

        Novel materials and transmission technologies
        • Transmission technologies: free space optics, waveguides, and fiber optics Materials: active and passive metamaterials, photonics crystals, plasmonics, graphene, and THz phonon-polaritons
        • Lenses: superfocusing, microlenses, liquid crystals, dielectric-based lenses
        • Nanoparticles and nanotubes: carbon nanotube structures

        Tuesday, 22 May 2012

        Another journal you may consider publishing your terahertz research

        Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves see
        ISSN: 1866-6906 (electronic version)

        Provides peer-reviewed rapid dissemination of original research in the frequency range between 30 GHz and 30 THz; in particular on sources, detectors, devices, systems, spectroscopy and applications.

        The Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves offers a peer-reviewed platform for the rapid  dissemination of original, high-quality research in the frequency window from 30 GHz to 30 THz.  The topics covered include: sources, detectors, and other devices; systems, spectroscopy, sensing, interaction between electromagnetic waves and matter, applications, metrology, and communications.
        Purely numerical work, especially with commercial software packages, will be published only in very exceptional cases. The same applies to manuscripts describing only algorithms (e.g. pattern recognition algorithms).
        Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should discuss a significant advancement to the field of infrared, millimeter, and terahertz waves. Manuscripts not fitting the aims and scope, and minor extensions or copies of previous work, will not be considered for publication.
        There are seven categories in which manuscripts will be considered.
        Letters should be of particular interest to the community and they should be short in length.  The number of figures is limited to three, the abstract should not be longer than 80 words, the main text should not exceed 1,000 words (1,250 words for two figures), the number of references is limited to fifteen.  The review process will be expedited for this manuscript category.
        All manuscripts discussing sources should be submitted to this category. Examples include systems based on photoconductive antennas and related techniques, resonant tunneling diodes, microwave devices, vacuum tube based sources, free electron lasers, synchrotrons, high power microwave sources, gas lasers, quantum cascade lasers and sources relying on parametric down conversion. 
        All manuscripts discussing THz detectors or detectors arrays or part of detectors such as mixers or antennas should be submitted to this category. 
        Examples for this category are modulators, reflectors, filters, waveguides as well as metamaterial based devices.
        Manuscripts which discuss system aspects should go in this category. This could be reports on entire emitter-receiver systems, imaging systems, characterization of systems, but also data extraction algorithms and metrology problems. 
        Manuscripts which discuss the interaction between THz waves and all states of matter should be submitted to this category. This includes THz spectroscopy on solids, liquids, gases, and plasma.
        Manuscripts which discuss possible applications e.g. for industrial inspection, bio-medical sensing, material science, and communications should go in this category.

        Friday, 18 May 2012

        Evaluating critical film coating characteristics of sustained-release coated pellets with different size using terahertz pulsed imaging

        Cite this paper as: Haaser, M.; Karrout, Y.; Velghe, C.; Cuppok, Y.; Gordon, K.; Pepper, M.; Siepmann, J.; Strachan, C.; Taday, P.; Rades, T. Evaluating critical film coating characteristics of sustained-release coated pellets with different size using terahertz pulsed imaging. In Proceedings of the 2nd Electron. Conf. Pharm. Sci., 1-31 May 2012; Sciforum Electronic Conferences Series, 2012.
        Sustained-release coated pellets with different sizes (6, 2.5 and 1 mm in diameter) were investigated using terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI). Three batches of metoprolol succinate layered sugar starter cores coated with a 75:25 (w/w) polymer blend of Kollicoat SR and Kollicoat IR (approximate coating thickness of 60 μm,according to the weight gain) were analysed to evaluate the effect of size on coating thickness and morphology (depicted by the terahertz electric field peak strength, TEFPS) Ten pellets from each batch were mapped individually using TPI. From the terahertz waveform the interface between coating and drug layer, and between drug layer and core were determined. The TPI measurements were carried out on pellet surface areas of approximately 33, 2.2 and 0.4 mm2 for pellets with 6, 2.5 and 1 mm diameters, respectively. Results indicated a large variation in the average coating thickness between all pellet sizes. Smaller pellets (2.5/1 mm in diameter) showed a higher average coating thickness (81 and 70 μm, respectively) compared to 6 mm pellets (50 μm), suggesting a better coating efficiency for smaller pellets. This was also confirmed by scanning electron microcopy (SEM). Since no difference in the surface morphology could be observed using SEM, differences in the average TEFPS values between 6 mm pellets (16.2%) and 2.5/1 mm pellets (2.2 and 2.6%, respectively) are related to signal reflection loss due to the increase in curvature of smaller pellets. Although the largest pellets showed the thinnest average coating, the fastest drug release was obtained from the smallest pellets due to the larger surface area exposed to the dissolution media. Pellets of 2.5 mm in diameter showed a faster initial drug release with slower release kinetics at the end of dissolution testing compared to large pellets. TPI proved highly suitable to evaluate film coating characteristics as well as detect drug layer/core interface of different sized sustained-release coated pellets.

        for more information and full paper see

        also see

        Thursday, 17 May 2012

        International Symposium on Frontiers in THz Technology (FTT 2012)

        Late in the last century, the rapid development of terahertz technology began, and in this century, a variety of applications including industrial applications have come to be expected. Many new techniques have been presented, and various applications have been proposed. The full-scale industrial application of terahertz technology has just begun in worldwide. In Japan, Terahertz Technology Forum and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science have been promoting the industrial applications of terahertz technology. At this symposium we would like to highlight what can and cannot be accomplished using the technology once it has matured, and also its particular advantageous points as compared with other techniques. We hope to further connect this discussion to future development and realistic industrial applications. Therefore, the scope of this symposium is to discuss the current state of affairs across a broad range—from basic technologies to industrial applications—and to clarify the prospects for the future.

        DateNovember 27-29, 2012
        VenueTodaiji Culture Center, Nara, JAPAN
        Important DatesJune 30, 2012: Deadline for Abstract Submission 
        July 31, 2012 : Notification of Acceptance 
        Aug. 31, 2012 : Deadline for Submission of Extended Abstract 
        Oct. 15, 2012 : Deadline for Early Registration
        Registration Fee
        Before Oct. 15, 2012
        Regular : JPY 50,000 / Student : JPY 20,000
        After Oct. 16, 2012
        Regular : JPY 60,000 / Student : JPY 25,000
        Organized byCommittee on Terahertz Science 
        Technology and Industrial Development (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) 
        Terahertz Technology Forum
        Co-sponsored by
        The Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology 
        The Spectroscopical Society of Japan 
        Professional Group of Terahertz Technology, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
        Co-sponsored byMIC, MEXT, JST
        For more information see

        For information about terahertz applications click here

        Wednesday, 16 May 2012

        More terahertz talks at the Ohio Innovation Sensor Summit

        Session 2: Advances in THz Systems and Components (Pacey)
        Moderator: Gilbert Pacey, Group leader CBRNE and THz Groups IDCAST/UDRI
        The region of the electromagnetic spectrum known as terahertz (THz) has gained increasing interest due to availability of new sources and detection systems. Progress in ultrafast detection schemes, combined with femtosecond (1 fs ) 10-15 s) laser pumped nonlinear crystals, has brought the technique from specialized laboratories to realizing potential in mainstream applications. THz spectroscopy is a low power technique, facilitating nondestructive analysis of fragile materials; the energy in a THz pulse is less than typical background radiation present in the environment. The spectral range covers both rotational transitions from the microwave regime and vibrational modes from the infrared. This unique overlap of spectral features provides opportunities to analyze samples with completely new perspectives.
        The session will feature new hardware and applications that will extend the utilization of THz. The State of Ohio has a significant investment and presence in THz with the IDCAST THz Collaborative Research Laboratory, HELIOS, Tracycer Diagnostic Systems, Lake Shore Cryogenics, and Wright State University’s THz Group.
        9:30 - 10:00“First Results from World's Largest Format 80x64 Real Time THz Camera Traycer Diagnostics” Lee Mosbacker, Traycer Diagnostic Systems
        10:00 - 10:30“Turnkey solution for material characterization at THz frequencies” David Daughton, Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc, Application Scientist
        10:30 - 10:45Break
        10:45 - 11:15“Dayton Area Collaborative Development of Terahertz Waveguides and Metamaterial Devices”, Jason Deibel, Department of Physics, Wright State University
        11:15 - 11:45“Analytical Chemical Sensing in the THz Spectral Range”, Ivan Medvedev, Department of Physics, Wright State University

        Tuesday, 15 May 2012

        TeraView to present at the Ohio Innovation Sensor Summit

        The Ohio Innovation Sensor Summit will be in Dayton, Ohio on June 12 and 13, 2012. The first day will have Keynotes, Concurrent lecture sessions, and a Tech Expo Mixer in the late afternoon and early evening. The second day will have keynotes, exhibitions, poster sessions and demonstrations of Ohio Sensor Technology. This event will be held at Dayton’s Tech Town 2020 located at the corner of Monument and Taylor Streets.

        To arrange a meeting with TeraView please contract Dr Rob May

        To learn more about TeraView please visit our web site at

        For more information about the summit please visit the conference web site 

        Monday, 14 May 2012

        3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology (TST 2012)

        17 - 20 June 2012, Kaiserstejnsky Palace, Prague, Czech Republic

        The programme has now been published.

        Invited speakers include;

        Xi-Cheng Zhang, The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester (US).
        Equation Chapter 1 Section 1THz wave air photonics: bridging the “gap” and beyond

        Keith A. Nelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
        High-field THz pulse generation and nonlinear THz spectroscopy

        Edmund H. Linfield, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds (GB)
        Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers

        Marco Rahm, Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern (DE) & Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM (DE)
        Metamaterial Terahertz Transmission Optics and Surface Waves

        Oleg Mitrofanov, University College London (GB)
        Progress in development of waveguides for terahertz applications

        Kodo Kawase, Nagoya University, Ecotopia Science Institute (JP) & RIKEN, Advanced Science Institute (JP)
        Nonlinear optical THz sources and applications

        Miriam S. Vitiello, CNR- Istituto Nazionale di Ottica and LENS (European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy) (IT) & NEST, CNR - Istituto Nanoscienze and Scuola Normale Superiore (IT)
        Quantum Cascade Lasers as versatile, narrow-linewidth sources in the Terahertz range

        Giacomo Scalari, Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich (CH)
        THz LC microcavities: from quantum cascade lasers to ultrastrong light-matter coupling

        Hynek Němec, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CZ)
        What can we learn about charge transport from terahertz spectra?

        Alexej Pashkin, University of Konstanz, Department of Physics and Center for Applied Photonics (DE)
        Unconventional superconductors studied by ultrafast multi-terahertz spectroscopy

        Junichiro Kono, Rice University, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Department of Physics & Astronomy (US)
        Terahertz Dynamics of Quantum-Confined Electrons in Carbon Nanomaterials

        David G. Cooke, Department of Physics, McGill University (CA)
        Sub-picosecond THz spectroscopy of polymer bulk heterojunction films

        for other information see

        Thursday, 10 May 2012

        Advancing in-vivo terahertz imaging

        Emma Pickwell-MacPherson

        New developments in terahertz frequency imaging make it suited to assist in patient screening and diagnosis.
        7 February 2011, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201012.003437
        Terahertz (1012Hz, THz) frequency radiation lies between the IR and millimeter regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (1THz corresponds to 33.3cm−1, 4.14meV, and has a wavelength of 300μm). Historically, terahertz wave generation was a challenge. Various methods to extend optical techniques to lower frequencies or to ramp up electronic techniques to higher frequencies have been explored. Significant advances in the field mean that presently, numerous companies sell systems and components worldwide (see Figure 1). As generating terahertz radiation is no longer a hurdle, the interest now lies in finding potential applications for this radiation.

        To see TeraView's full range of products see

        Tuesday, 8 May 2012

        New frontiers for commercial applications of terahertz

        Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE National

        Date of Conference: 20-22 July 2011
        Author(s): Yeo, Woon-Gi
        ElectroScience Laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43212
        Nahar, Niru K. ;  Lee, Robert ;  Volakis, John L. 


        We present several preliminary experimental data to demonstrate the potential of terahertz imaging for various commercial applications. Specifically, terahertz images and signatures are presented using terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI™) for green leaves, lung cancer tissues, as well as farm and wild raised salmons. Raw data from these measurements provided the associated refractive indices and absorption coefficients. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) signatures were also collected at terahertz frequencies for integrated circuits. This was done using an electro-optic terahertz pulse reflectometry (EOTPR) system. In all cases, it is demonstrated that discriminatory information can be readily obtained from terahertz images or TDR signals for various organic and non-organic materials.

        For more information terahertz applications see

        Thursday, 3 May 2012

        THz papers at CLEO 2012

        For  anyone who is interested in terahertz applications and is attending CLEO 2012 next week

        6-11th May 2012

        San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA

        For information see

        The following terahertz talks may be of interest - if anyone would like to write a report on these terahertz sessions at this conference we will be happy to post here.  We have selected these talks just out of interest.

        TITLE: Generation of ultrabroadband coherent infrared wave with 200 THz bandwidth using air plasma driven by intense sub 10 fs pulses

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Eiichi Matsubara1, Masaya Nagai1, Masaaki Ashida1
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Osaka university, Toyonaka, Japan.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): We demonstrated the generation of infrared wave exceeding 200 THz through air plasma using sub-10-fs pulses produced by hollow fiber compression. Electro-optic sampling with 20-μm GaSe crystal assures the wave is coherent.

        TITLE: High Field THz Pulse Generation and Nonlinear THz Dynamics

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Frank Hegmann1
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. University of Alberta, Alberta, AB, Canada.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): The generation of intense single-cycle THz pulses and their application to the study of ultrafast nonlinear THz dynamics in semiconductors, such as terahertz-pulse-induced intervalley scattering and hot electron effective mass anisotropy, are described.

        TITLE: Highly efficient generation of single-cycle MV/cm THz pulses in organic crystals

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Clemens Ruchert1, Carlo Vicario1, Fernando Ardana1, Christoph P. Hauri1
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): We present the generation of high-power single-cycle THz pulses in organic salt crystals. Broadband THz radiation with MV/cm electric field strength is produced by optical rectification driven with a powerful femtosecond optical parametric amplifier.

        TITLE: Fiber Drawn 2D Polymeric Photonic Crystal THz Filters

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Matthias Stecher1, 4, Christian Jansen1, Mehdi Ahmadi-Boroujeni1, Richard Lwin2, Alessio Stefani3, Ole Bang3, Martin Koch1, Graham E. Town4
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. AG Exp. Halbleiterphysik, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
        2. Institute of Photonics and Optical Science (IPOS), School of Physics, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
        3. DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
        4. Department of Electronic Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): We report on polymeric 2D photonic crystal filters for THz frequencies fabricated by a standard fiber drawing technique. The frequency and angle dependent transmission spectra were characterized in a pulsed terahertz (THz) time domain spectrometer.

        TITLE: THz control of matter states: Coherent excitons beyond the Rabi-splitting

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Benjamin Ewers1, Niko S. Koester1, Ronja Woscholski1, Martin Koch1, Sangam Chatterjee1, Galina Khitrova2, Hyatt M. Gibbs2, Andrea C. Klettke1, Mackillo Kira1, Stephan W. Koch1
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Faculty of Physics and Materials Sciences Center, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
        2. College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): We investigate the interaction of strong single-cycle THz pulses with a coherent excitonic population, observing the transition from Rabi flopping of the 1s-2p transition to multi THz-photon ionization with increasing field strength.

        TITLE: Nonlinear THz spectroscopy of graphene

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Pamela Bowlan1, Elias Martinez-Moreno1, Klaus Reimann1, Michael Woerner1, Thomas Elsaesser1
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): Carrier dynamics in graphene at low energies are studied using two-dimensional THz spectroscopy. Pump-probe signals much faster than the acoustic phonon energy are observed due to a combination of intra- and interband absorption.

        TITLE: THz Metrological Traceability and Suitable Detectors

        AUTHORS (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME): Ralf Müller1, Werner Bohmeyer2, Karsten Lange2, Andreas Steiger1
        INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
        2. Sensor- und Lasertechnik (SLT), Neuenhagen, Brandenburg, Germany.
        Abstract (35 Word Limit): PTB, the metrology institute of Germany, operates the worldwide first and still unique THz detector calibration facility traceable to SI. A project in cooperation with SLT company is dedicated to develop suitable pyroelectric THz detectors.