Friday, 28 October 2011


Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 21, 93-104, 2011

C. Morari*, I. Balan, J. Pintea, E. Chitanu, and I. Iordache

*National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical
Engineering ICPE-CA, Splaiul Unirii, No. 313, Bucharest 030138,

Abstract   There is increasing interest in electromagnetic interference
(EMI) shielding due to the serious electromagnetic environment
pollution caused by the continuously increased use of the electrical
products and electronic devices. Electrical conductivity and EMI
shielding effectiveness (SE) of composite materials made from silicone
rubber with carbon powder and ferrite powder have been studied
in microwaves and terahertz frequency ranges and the results are
presented in this paper. In microwaves range, samples with higher
electrical conductivity show a small variation of shielding performance
with frequency, whereas the performance of samples with lower
conductivity falls away with increasing frequency. It is shown that
the variation of attenuation with frequency relates to the conductivity
of the material

... The samples were then studied in the 0.06–3THz (2–100cm−1) frequency range using the TeraView TPS spectra 3000terahertz transmission spectrometer. First, a reference spectrum was acquired with no sample mounted on the sample holder. ...

If you would like to read more about this article please click here

Monday, 17 October 2011

Our second International Terahertz Hands-on Workshop has been a great success!

Last week we held the second International Terahertz Hands-on workshop. Everybody enjoyed the workshop, while learning about terahertz applications and technology. 

Thank you for all your positive feedback!

After great demand, we have decided to hold a third International Terahertz Workshop in Spring 2012, if you would like to express your interest in participating to it please contact us through our website at or writing an email to

Below are some pictures from last week's workshop.

Thank you all for reading our news on this blog!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Terahertz pulsed imaging in vivo: measurements and processing methods

J. Biomed. Opt. 16, 106010 (Oct 03, 2011); doi:10.1117/1.3642002

Edward P. J. ParrottStanley M. Y. Sy, and Thierry Blu
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shatin, Hong Kong
Vincent P. Wallace
University of Western Australia, School of Physics, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
Emma Pickwell-MacPherson
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong

This paper presents a number of data processing algorithms developed to improve the accuracy of results derived from datasets acquired by a recently designed terahertz handheld probe. These techniques include a baseline subtraction algorithm and a number of algorithms to extract the sample impulse response: double Gaussian inverse filtering, frequency-wavelet domain deconvolution, and sparse deconvolution. In vivo measurements of human skin are used as examples, and a comparison is made of the terahertz impulse response from a number of different skin positions. The algorithms presented enables both the spectroscopic and time domain properties of samples measured in reflection geometry to be better determined compared to previous calculation methods.

Note from the editor:
The hand-held probe that was used in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is designed by TeraView Ltd, just another demonstration of TeraView's worldwide install base!

....As a result, in vivo imaging is performed in reflection geometry. Since skin is the most easily
accessible organ of the body, we have been using it to conduct in vivo experiments with
a handheld probe designed by Teraview Ltd (Cambridge, UK). ...

View more on this article

Thursday, 6 October 2011

2nd International Workshop - spaces now full

Our 2nd International Workshop will be taking place next week!
This particular one is fully booked, but given the interest, we are planning a third one in Europe!
This will take place most likely in Cambridge - UK in Spring 2012.

If you are interested in possibly taking part in the workshop, drop us an email at

We look forward to hearing from you.

For more infromation on the workshop follow the link on our website.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

THz Reflection Spectroscopy of Explosives Measured by Time Domain Spectroscopy


N. Palka

Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology
S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland


Reflection spectra of pure explosive materials and their simulants were measured in transmission and reflection by means of time domain spectroscopy in the range 0.1–3 THz. Spectra measured in two reflection configurations:
specular with incident angle equal to 45 degrees and stand-off with close to normal incidence and distance 30 and 40 cm. to a sample.

Spectra were acquired using commercial time domain spectroscopy (TDS) setup from TeraView (TPS Spectra 3000) with appropriate accessories in atmosphere with humidity less than 1%.

To read more about this article follow this link: