Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Open Poster Submissions
Open Poster Submissions: This option is for authors who want to explore new
ideas and concepts with colleagues in the profession. Two-page abstracts are
submitted and are evaluated for appropriateness for the technical scope of the
conference. Companies are encouraged to present the technologies behind their
products; pure marketing presentations are not appropriate. Our historical acceptance rate for open posters is 85 to 95%.
Open Poster Abstract Deadlines and Due Dates (No Deadline Extensions)

Uploaded OP abstract submission: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Notification (via email) to Authors: Friday, September 23, 2011
OP Acceptance from Authors: Tuesday, September 27, 2011

IEEE SENSORS 2011 is intended to provide a common forum for research scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings ideas, developments and applications in the area of sensors and sensing technology. IEEE SENSORS 2011 Conference will include keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as Invited Speakers for the Topical Special sessions. The Conference solicits original and state-of-the-art contributions for both podium and regular poster sessions.

Topics of Interest Include but are not limited to:

Phenomena, Modeling, and Evaluation
  • Novel sensing principles, theory and modeling, sensor characterization, evaluation and testing, data handling and mining
Chemical and Gas Sensors
  • Materials Devices, electronic nose, electric tongue, continuous process control,  test kits
Optical Sensors
  • Photonics and Opto-Electronics, Radiation, fiber sensors, Waveguide technology, novel lightsources and detectors, photonic bandgap Materials
Mechanical and Physical Sensors
  • Inertial pressure, tactile sensors, thermal, magnetic, and mass sensitive devices
Sensor/Actuator Systems
  • Sensor electronics, multi-sensor integrated systems, interfaces intelligent sensing, integrated sensoractuator systems
Sensor Networks
  • Components, Network Architecture, remote sensing, telemetry, communication, internet-based or other remote date acquisition, sensor control
  • Automotive, medical, environmental monitoring, consumer, security, military, nautical, aeronautical and space, robotics automation
Special Focus Sessions
  • Proposal submission deadline March 1, 2011
Tutorial Sessions
  • Proposal Submission Deadline March 1, 2011

Important Dates
March 1, 2011  Special Session Proposal Deadline
March 1, 2011  Tutorial submission Deadline  
May 6, 2011Abstract Submission Deadline 
June 30, 2011Author Notification  
July 1, 2011 Registration Opens
July 30, 2011Final Full paper submission (4 pages) 
July 30, 2011Presenting Author and Early-Bird Registration Deadline

Exhibition & Partnership Opportunities
The Conference exhibit area will provide your company or
organization with the opportunity to inform and display your latest
products, services, equipment, books, journals, and publications to
attendees from around the world. Please visit the website for further
information on exhibiting at this Conference.
We have reserved 160 seats at the Knappogue Castle Banquet on Saturday October 29th.  The cost per person is a special rate of €45 per person ($65 USD). Please view the following link below for a description of the evening.


If you wish to attend, please choose the available option when registering for the conference online.
To register for 2011 IEEE SENSORS online please click here.
If you are needing to register by check or bank transfer please contact Rachel Edmunds, conference registrar at redmunds@conferencecatalysts.com.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

TeraView's Spectra 3000 used in ionic liquid research

The influence of hydrogen bonding on the physical properties of ionic liquids
Koichi Fumino, Tim Peppel, Monika Geppert-Rybczyńska, Dzmitry H. Zaitsau, Jochen K. Lehmann, Sergey P. Verevkin, Martin Köckerling and Ralf Ludwig 
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, Advance Article


Potential applications of ionic liquids depend on the properties of this class of liquid material. To a large extent the structure and properties of these Coulomb systems are determined by the intermolecular interactions among anions and cations. In particular the subtle balance between Coulomb forces, hydrogen bonds and dispersion forces is of great importance for the understanding of ionic liquids. The purpose of the present paper is to answer three questions: Do hydrogen bonds exist in these Coulomb fluids? To what extent do hydrogen bonds contribute to the overall interaction between anions and cations? And finally, are hydrogen bonds important for the physical properties of ionic liquids? All these questions are addressed by using a suitable combination of experimental and theoretical methods including newly synthesized imidazolium-based ionic liquids, far infrared spectroscopy, terahertz spectroscopy, DFT calculations, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscometry and quartz-crystal-microbalance measurements. The key statement is that although ionic liquids consist solely of anions and cations and Coulomb forces are the dominating interaction, local and directional interaction such as hydrogen bonding has significant influence on the structure and properties of ionic liquids. This is demonstrated for the case of melting points, viscosities and enthalpies of vaporization. As a consequence, a variety of important properties can be tuned towards a larger working temperature range, finally expanding the range of potential applications.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Identification and Quantification of Polymorphism in the Pharmaceutical Compound Diclofenac Acid by Terahertz Spectroscopy and Solid-State Density Functional Theory

Matthew D. King, William D. Buchanan, and Timothy M. Korter*
Department of Chemistry, Syracuse University, 1-014 Center for Science and Technology, Syracuse, New York 13244-4100, United States


Polymorph detection and quantification in crystalline materials is a principle interest of the pharmaceutical industry. Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy can be used for such analytical applications since this technique is sensitive to the intermolecular interactions of molecules in the solid state. Understanding the fundamental nature of the lattice vibrational motions leading to absorptions in THz spectra is challenging, but may be achieved through computational approaches. In this study, the THz spectra of two diclofenac acid polymorphs were obtained by THz spectroscopy, and the vibrational characters of the observed absorptions were analyzed using solid-state density functional theory (DFT). The results demonstrate the quantitative capacity of THz spectroscopy and the reliability and utility of solid-state DFT in the calculation of low-frequency vibrational motions.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Tunable resonance enhancement of multi-layer terahertz metamaterials fabricated by parallel laser micro-lens array lithography on flexible substrates

Z. C. Chen, N. R. Han, Z. Y. Pan, Y. D. Gong, T. C. Chong, and M. H. Hong

Optical Materials Express, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 151-157 (2011)       doi:10.1364/OME.1.000151


Large-area split ring resonators (SRRs) array is fabricated by laser micro-lens array (MLA) lithography on flexible Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) substrates. Multi-layer metamaterials are formed by stacking and bonding several layers of the laser fabricated metamaterials together. The resonance of the multi-layer metamaterials is enhanced significantly as compared to the single-layer metamaterials. The roll-off value of the half-wavelength resonant dip, which reflects the strength of resonance, increases significantly from 4.9 to 11.2 as the layer number increases from 1 to 5. A logarithm relationship between the amplitude of the resonant dip and the layer number is also studied, which indicates a flexible method to tune the strength of resonance by changing the layer number. The multi-layer metamaterials with the enhanced resonance can be used to make narrow band terahertz filters.

“The samples are characterized by a Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS,
TPS3000, Teraview Inc.) in transmission mode at a normal incidence. The electric field of the
incident terahertz wave is aligned parallel to the gap-bearing side of the SRRs as illustrated in
Fig. 1 (B). All the transmission spectra of the samples with different layer numbers are
normalized against the reference transmission spectrum of Nitrogen gas environment [30]”